I love this time of year, Family gatherings, outdoor cooking, watermelon, corn on the cob, and homemade desserts. Just thinking about all of it – makes me happy. If you are like me my fitness program will take a back seat, and I become un-regimented. Here are a few tips to keep your program on track and your summer fun worth it:
Schedule three days for yourself. Make an appointment and stick to it. Get someone to help with the kids so you can get your workouts in.
Plan ahead. Get the babysitter lined up, plan your route or routine and keep the commitment.
Exercise when the kids are playing. Walk, run, squat, climb, kick a ball, shoot hoops, jump rope, skate, stretch and do crunches with your kids.
Be an early riser. With the hotter weather approaching – get the work out done before the family gets up.
This is a great time to take up a new summer hobby. Learn to skate, raft, canoe, hike, or bike.
Seasonal Cleanse. Take 10 days to rid the body of unnecessary toxins.
Get the recommended amount of sleep, at least 7 hours.
Drink plenty of water. 2 glasses between each meal.
With the hotter weather who wants to be indoors cooking? Eat plenty of fruit and veggie salads.
Skip the treats. Limit yourself to one day a week of treats.
Summer time is family time. Don’t be hard on yourself if you are not keeping up with the same routine you did when the kids were in school. Keep the routine S.M.A.R.T. Simple, Manageable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time. Have plans coming up this summer; a wedding to attend, class reunion, graduation? Discovering your shorts from last year is fitting a little too tight? Do you have to move the belt over one notch? Ask me about my 24 Day Weight Loss Program. Guaranteed to melt away unwanted body fat, and create lean muscle.
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